When The Stakes Are This High,
You Need A Real Defense

Comprehensive Michigan Driver’s License Restoration

Losing a driver’s license can stem from various circumstances, such as multiple traffic violations, DUI convictions or failure to pay child support. Restoring a revoked driver’s license is a complex process that involves navigating Michigan’s legal system, which is anything but straightforward.

I am attorney Ryan Maesen, and I am committed to providing exceptional service to my clients at Ryan Maesen Attorney at Law. With over 15 years of experience practicing in Grand Rapids and the surrounding areas, I bring extensive knowledge and a personalized approach to each case. I stand out due to my deep understanding of Michigan’s legal landscape, a proven track record of successful restorations and a client-focused strategy that prioritizes your needs and rights.

How Can You Get Your Driving License Restored?

Restoring a driving license in Michigan involves several key steps:

  • Eligibility check: Make sure you are eligible to apply for restoration, usually after a mandatory revocation period.
  • Substance abuse evaluation: If applicable, undergo a substance abuse evaluation to demonstrate sobriety.
  • Documentation: Gather necessary documents, including a request for a hearing and letters of support.
  • AHS hearing: Attend an Administrative Hearings Section (AHS) hearing to present your case.
  • Proof of sobriety: Provide evidence of at least 12 months of continuous sobriety if your revocation was related to substance abuse.
  • Reinstatement fee: Pay the required reinstatement fee once your restoration is approved.

To increase the likelihood of success, each step of this process must be meticulously followed. As an experienced Grand Rapids driver’s license restoration lawyer, I can guide you through this complex journey.

How Will A Grand Rapids Driver’s License Restoration Attorney Help?

Having a committed attorney when pursuing driver’s license restoration has numerous benefits. The lawyer can:

  • Help prepare your documentation thoroughly
  • Represent you at the AHS hearing
  • Make sure all legal requirements are met
  • Provide personalized guidance for your situation

With my help, you will have the best possible chance of restoring your driving privileges in Michigan.

Get In Touch Today

Call my office today at 616-818-0011 or send an email to schedule your initial free consultation in Grand Rapids.